The word ‘Mahabharata’ has become synonymous with any great confrontation in day to day life also.

Like all great epics, Mahabharata is the story of victory of good against evil. Relive the stories of Lord Krishna, from his birth to his teachings about Dharma, through the eyes of.
Lord krishna tamil teachings in mahabharat with explanation tv#
Vengeance spells the end for the seeker and the sought both. Sri Krishna is a Star Vijay Tamil TV serial. Krishna rode a chariot that was heavily potent and when Arjun was done with. Don’t support the wrong acts of your close friends and relatives. Teachings of Mahabharat and Shreemad Bhagavad Gita shaped the world culture.Don’t apply half-learned knowledge to your actions.The disrespect shown to women will bring disasters upon you. Bad friends will bring about your downfall. A teacher can guide you and inspire you, but practice will make you perfect.Be focused, and you will always succeed.Moral Lessons for Children from Mahabharata At this, the gods came into their real forms granting him many boons and the gods above, a witness to this test, showered him with flowers and praise. Finally, the king himself sat in the balance offering his entire body.

A balance was brought, and the king started cutting flesh from his body, but the dove seemed to be getting heavier with every piece. The hawk asked for flesh equal to the weight of the dove. The king, in reply, offered flesh from his own body to appease his hunger. The hawk in anger accused him of depriving him of his rightful food. The dove sought protection with Shibi, who promised to save him. They assumed the forms of a dove and a hawk, the latter pursuing the former. The gods Agni and Indra decided to test these qualities. King Shibi was known for his truthfulness, being just, and keeping his word. With this deed, he immortalized himself as the epitome of an ideal student. Arjuna said: 'Indeed, You alone know Yourself by Your own internal potency, O Supreme Person, origin of all, Lord of all beings, God of gods, Lord of the universe'Bhagavad Gita as it is 10.15 Ple. Without hesitation, Eklavya cut his thumb with a knife and placed it at the Guru’s feet. On being asked what he could offer, Dronacharya asked for his right thumb knowing well that without the thumb he could not shoot. Not wanting to have a rival archer against Arjuna and observing that Eklavya had his image as the teacher, Dronacharya asked him for Guru Dakshina, the offering to be made to the teacher. When this feat came into the notice of Arjun, he was upset that there was a better archer than he was. Once, disturbed by the barking of a dog, he shot arrows in its mouth to shut it up without hurting it. Undeterred, he kept a clay image of Dronacharya before him and practised archery becoming very proficient in it. Eklavya, a tribal boy was refused to be taken as a disciple to learn archery by Guru Dronacharya who taught only the Kshatriyas and the Brahmins.